- Don't pay high fees or charges for a credit card - our program is free!
- Save money and enjoy the convenience of having a credit card without any hidden costs.
- Apply now and get your free credit card in just a few simple steps.
- Don't let a lack of credit history hold you back - our program is designed for newcomers with no credit history.
- Start building your credit from scratch and establish a strong financial foundation in Canada.
- Apply now and start enjoying the benefits of a credit card, even without a credit history.
- Don't have cash for a security deposit? No problem - our credit card program doesn't require one.
- Get the financial flexibility you need without having to tie up your cash.
- Apply now and get your credit card without any hassle or cash deposit requirements.
Finding an affordable Cell phone Plan is a headache? We will provide your Canadian SIM Card, before you arrive in Canada!
Renting a decent place in Canada without a good Credit Score is not easy. We have an extensive New-Immigrant-Friendly listing, to find an affordable place to start!
Having a Credit Card in Canada is the first step of your financial life in Canada. We help you to open a bank account and apply for a Credit Card!
Do you know you will not have health insurance during the first three months in Canada? We provide you with affordable health insurance for your starting months!
You are afraid of finding a job in Canada?
We help you to get your first job in Canada, and have a decent earning in getting your first job
You will need a car in Canada.
Buying a new or used car in Canada could be complicated. We make buying a car easy for you!